Kristoff Bjorgman

  • Age: 21

  • Sin: Sloth

  • Film: Frozen 1 & 2

  • Lost Item: Ice pickaxe

  • Face Claim: Scott Michael Foster


Kristoff was orphaned at a young age and placed in an orphanage thereafter. He was nevertheless too adventurous and free-spirited to be contained in such a facility; he spent a majority of his time sneaking out and exploring the surrounding wilderness. With a fascination of ice, Kristoff also occupied his time by tagging behind Arendelle's team of ice harvesters to observe their ethics in hopes of garnering their skill and eventually becoming an ice harvester himself.Kristoff is always accompanied by his reindeer, Sven — his pet, best friend, and business partner. The two met during Kristoff's childhood, wherein during which, he found and rescued the reindeer fawn. Since then, the two became inseparable and built a relationship akin to that of brothers. Kristoff's care for Sven was so great that he eventually began living by the philosophy that "reindeer are better than people", to which Sven would agree. Furthermore, although Sven cannot speak, both he and Kristoff have a mutual understanding of one another. So much that Kristoff has a habit to literally voice Sven's thoughts in a gruff, goofy, exaggerated tone. Sven doesn't seem to mind, and the voice-overs are surprisingly accurate. Interestingly, Kristoff uses this quirk to talk himself into doing the right thing in times of uncertainty.As an 8-year-old orphan, Kristoff and Sven are first seen attending a day of ice harvesting amongst a group of burly harvesters. By night, Kristoff manages to obtain his own small block of ice, much to his pride, and follows behind the harvesters as they make their leave from the mountains. During their trip home, the horses of King Agnarr and Queen Iduna rush past Kristoff, leaving behind a peculiar trail of ice. Curious, Kristoff and Sven follow the royal family to the Valley of the Living Rock, home to a colony of mystical trolls. As Kristoff and Sven look on in amazement how Grand Pabbie heals a little girl, they are discovered by a female troll named Bulda. Bulda instantly takes a liking to the two and decides to adopt them as her own. From there, Kristoff and Sven grow up with the trolls in the valley. Years later, the once wide-eyed Kristoff has grown into a cynical, antisocial, and jaded man with animosity towards society. He and Sven have since become professional ice harvesters and no longer live amongst the trolls, though they make occasional visits. Due to their low source of income, the two live as nomads—selling their ice by day and traversing through Arendelle for a place to sleep by night.On the night of her coronation, Queen Elsa's powers over ice and snow are revealed to the public. To protect her people, Elsa sentences herself to exile and establishes the North Mountain as her new home. In doing so, she accidentally sets off an eternal winter. Kristoff and Sven take notice of Elsa's arrival and travel to Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna for supplies and carrots. Inside, he comes across Princess Anna, who is searching for Elsa. When asked about the peculiar weather, Kristoff nonchalantly notes it to be coming from the North Mountain. Unfortunately, the prices for Kristoff's mountain gear have been spiked due to the supply and demand issue stemmed from the unexpected winter. Kristoff makes the poor choice of calling the store owner a "crook" in response and is immediately thrown out. Despite his lack of goods, Kristoff and Sven retire to a nearby barn to rest for the night. They are soon visited by Anna, who asks Kristoff to escort her to the North Mountain. Kristoff refuses, until Anna reveals to have purchased Kristoff's mountain gear, and claims to know how to stop the winter. In gratitude for Anna's services, and for the sake of his endangered ice business, Kristoff accepts the proposal, and they set off that night, per Anna's demands.As the travel begins, Kristoff inquires Elsa's reasoning behind freezing the entire kingdom. He's incredulous at Anna falling for Hans and wanting to marry him within hours of meeting him and he too calls her out for it. The conversation is cut short when a pack of hungry wolves attacks them. They manage to evade the wolves by jumping over a chasm, but the sled plummets to the bottom of the cliff along with the supplies. Anna offers to replace the sled and supplies and offers to let Kristoff out of the deal. Knowing Anna would die on her own, however, Kristoff reluctantly decides to stick with the princess for the remainder of the journey, much to Sven's delight. The following day, they come across a talking snowman named Olaf, who offers to guide the group to Elsa. Upon arriving at the ice palace, Kristoff is left in awe at its beauty. In spite of this, Kristoff is forced to remain outside per Anna's wishes, as she wouldn't want Elsa to cause more havoc at the sight of a man (referring to the debacle with Hans). Kristoff expressed grief over the matter, but abides and waits patiently alongside Olaf. Upon hearing Anna in distress, however, Kristoff rushes into the palace and tends to her. When Elsa orders the group to leave, a fearful Kristoff tries to oblige but Anna refuses to leave without her sister.This forces Elsa to create a giant snow monster named Marshmallow to forcefully throw the group out. Anna retaliates by throwing a snowball at the beast, which angers him. Kristoff and Anna rush down the mountain while being hotly pursued by Marshmallow. By working together, they eventually evade him by cliff-diving and landing safely on a blanket of snow below. After Kristoff assists Anna in getting back onto her feet, the two share an affectionate glance in mutual gratitude for saving each other. Unfortunately, this is short-lived, as Anna starts to panic over Elsa's refusal to return to Arendelle. She also worries about Kristoff's ice business, to which the latter replies by calmly assuring his ice business is no longer a priority. Just then, Kristoff notices Anna's hair beginning to turn white and deduces that the phenomenon is due to Elsa having struck Anna back at the palace. Fortunately, Kristoff believes he has a solution, and leads the gang to the Valley of the Living Rock, to consult Grand Pabbie.Along the way, Kristoff starts to open up to Anna by revealing his past, including how he and Sven were lonely orphans until they were taken in by their adoptive family. Though he loves his family, Kristoff warns Anna that they can be rather overbearing, stubborn, and loud at times, though Anna assures she doesn't mind. With his insecurities somewhat lowered, Kristoff introduces Anna and Olaf to his family, who are currently dormant as rocks. Assuming Kristoff is delusional, Anna and Olaf try to leave until the trolls finally reveal themselves. Upon noticing Anna, Bulda assumes her to be Kristoff's girlfriend. The two deny any romance, but Bulda and the trolls try to convince them otherwise, telling them they're meant for each other. They arrange an entire wedding, and in during which, Kristoff finds himself falling for Anna. Before the wedding is complete, Anna nearly faints and loses balance. Pabbie is unable to heal her, and informs them that Anna must perform an "act of true love" or else she'll freeze forever. Bulda believes "true love's kiss" may qualify, which prompts Kristoff to take Anna back to Arendelle so she can receive a kiss from Hans.At the castle, Kristoff escorts Anna to the care of the royal staff. Now that she has returned to Hans, Kristoff sadly takes his leave from Arendelle with Sven by his side. Along the way, Sven, who's fully aware of Kristoff's feelings for Anna, pressures him to go back. Kristoff's insecurities drive him to refuse until a giant snowstorm (inadvertently created by Elsa) begins to form around the castle. Presuming Anna to be in danger, Kristoff and Sven race back to rescue her. At the castle, Hans reveals that he doesn't actually love Anna, as he was only using her to become the new king of Arendelle. He instead denies Anna a kiss and leaves her to die in a locked room within the castle. Anna is eventually rescued by Olaf, who reveals Kristoff's feelings for the princess. Though shocked, Anna musters up her remaining strength to brave Elsa's storm and find Kristoff so that he can give her "true love's kiss". Due to the blinding whiteout, however, both Kristoff and Anna have a difficult time reaching each other. At one point, Sven falls into the fjord and apparently drowns. Kristoff looks on in horror, but Sven survives and makes his way to safety before urging Kristoff to push forward.At one point, the blizzard comes to a sudden standstill, clearing the pathway for Kristoff and Anna. As Anna weakly tries to meet him halfway, she notices Hans and Elsa not too far, where the evil prince is seconds away from murdering the Snow Queen with his sword. Choosing to sacrifice her life for her sister, Anna takes one final look at Kristoff before leaping to the rescue, putting herself between Elsa and Hans, and freezing to death seconds before the sword hits her. The sword shatters against Anna's frozen hand, and Hans is knocked out from the impact. When Elsa realizes what happened, she tearfully mourns her sister, as a heartbroken Kristoff watches on. However, Anna's sacrifice was an "act of true love", and she is soon revived from her death, much to Kristoff's relief. The experience helps Elsa to realize that love is the key to thawing Arendelle and uses her power to lift the curse.As Hans awakens, Kristoff moves in to pummel him. As for Anna's request, Kristoff pulls himself back while Anna punches Hans herself. Afterward, Anna and Elsa embrace, and in during which, Anna looks lovingly and appreciatively to Kristoff. Following Arendelle's restoration, a celebration is held by Elsa in the castle courtyard. Before attending, Anna takes a blindfolded Kristoff to the docks, where she surprises him with a brand new sled and lute. Taken aback out of modesty, Kristoff tries to deny the offer, but Anna insists, announcing that Elsa has dubbed Kristoff Arendelle's "Official Ice Master and Deliverer". An elated Kristoff twirls Anna in his arms, and awkwardly asks permission to bestow a kiss of gratitude. Anna accepts, and the two share their first kiss, cementing a romantic relationship. Kristoff is last seen joining Elsa, Anna, Olaf, and Sven in the castle courtyard, where citizens of the kingdom gather to embrace the return of their queen by enjoying a newly-created ice skating rink.

Fatal Flaw

Gullible and Idiotic

Since Kristoff wasn't around many people growing up he wasn't the best at social cues. He went to school and knew a lot about things, but street smarts weren't really his thing. If someone told him where to stand for a picture, he fall easily into a paint or water balloon prank. That's also due to the fact that he was a people pleaser. He would probably be deemed idiotic since he would do what people would say without question.


Cold Food Delivery Man.
(Schwan Man.)

The cold never bothered him anyways.Kristoff is at ease in the cold and likes the fact that he can drive around in basically an ice box. He delivered goods to people that brings them joy or even the essentials for living. It makes him feel a sense of accomplishment. While most people don't know his face, he is known for what he does and gets thanks regardless.


  • No one at the moment.


Kristoff grew up with two loving parents. His father would wake up early to deliver goods to people. He'd return midday and play with Kristoff. When he turned six his mother had been in a car accident and passed away. He couldn't really understand why his mom wasn't home anymore and why his dad was always sad. He tried to cheer him up by bringing him toys but even some days he cried with him and missed his mother.After that, his father started to wake him up and take him to work on his route. He became his little helper in their truck by helping him gather up the items the customers had ordered and put them in the basket for his dad to take up to their doorstep. He'd stay with his father in the truck up until it was time to go to school. He was dropped off for breakfast and went to kindergarten. He'd be picked up in a different car which sometimes he was sad about.His father called the yellow work truck his steed and that his steed was always so reliable. Kristoff continued riding with his dad all through high school. But just as he was about to graduate high school, his father got sick and couldn't work anymore. So every morning, Kristoff got into the yellow truck and drove his route. It was the only way for him to make sure his father was taken care of. They couldn't afford to lose that job.He didn't go to college, instead, he worked the job full time, adding more routes just so he could get more money for the medicine and hospital bills. He'd come home and make sure his father had healthy food and take his pills before hopping back into the truck and finishing his routes. He enjoyed the cold aspect of the truck and even enjoyed the small gifts he'd get as a thanks for doing his job.